In the final episode of #HerenyaSeptember, Petri Redelinghuys invites fellow Herenya trader Jonathan onto the show to answer questions about the mystical art of day trading.
Does he go to the bathroom? Does he make money? Can anyone do it?
We unpack this and more in Episode 45 of Magic Markets.
This podcast is brought to you by Herenya Capital Advisors, registered FSP no. 47080. Herenya is setting the new standard for stockbroking services.
Herenya – by traders, for traders.
Natale Labia is a South African living in Italy (Milan, to be exact) and so he brings a European perspective to the show. As...
The markets have been all over the place in the past week, with a rollercoaster ride for investors in Chinese tech stocks in particular....
Investing in mobile home parks is a wonderful example of how far the definition of an alternative asset can be stretched. It sounds odd,...